Thursday, April 10, 2008

Alpha Hydroxy: Unveil a New You!

Alpha Hydroxy: Unveil a New You!

Alpha Hydroxy (AHA) is a common ingredient in many skin care regimes not only for the face, but also for the body. It can be found as a main ingredient in many creams and lotions for the face and body, as well as more potent doses in creams for the elbows and feet. What is this mystery ingredient? And do I need it?

Alpha Hydroxy is and acid that has been used for thousands of years for skin rejuvenation. This active ingredient can aid in a variety of purposes: to smooth fine lines and surface wrinkles, to improve skin texture and tone, to unblock and cleanse pores, to improve oily skin or acne, and to improve skin condition in general. These amazing claims can seem unsettling or too good to be true, but AHA is a perfectly safe skincare miracle.

How Does AHA Work?

Alpha Hydroxy Acid works by gently lifting the first layer of skin. This is why it works for so many different skin care issues. Consistent use of an AHA product is beneficial. Combining the use of an AHA product with a good exfoliation about two to three times a week will help turn over newer, younger skin faster.

Exfoliation is such an important part of your cleansing routine, and there are so many benefits that accompany it. First, you’re sloughing off the dead skin on your face. That dead skin is what’s holding in those black heads, or causing that scaly, tired appearance to your face. Dead skin is dull looking. If your skin doesn’t have the radiance it once had, chances are, its time to exfoliate. Regular exfoliation has also been known to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. All those fine lines are, is skin building up over a period of time, making your skin look aged. If you clean that skin off repeatedly, and reveal the fresh skin underneath, it cuts down on the drab appearance of wrinkles significantly.

AHA will gently lift the dead skin so that when you follow with an exfoliation product, you will effectively remove more of the tired skin. Oilier skin can also benefit because their skin stays moist all the time. Since the skin is oily it is unable to exfoliate itself as easily leading to clogged pores and unsightly black heads. With the help of an alpha hydroxy lotion, these issues will be tremendously minimalized. It is safe to use a moisturizer with Alpha Hydroxy in it on a regular basis, however, keep the product away from the eye area, as most face lotions with this active ingredient have too high a volume for this sensitive area.
Because Alpha Hydroxy Acid is so active in changing the texture of the skin and polishing it, it is imperative that you add a strong SPF/ sunscreen into your routine as well. Massive exfoliation of the skin can make it more susceptible to sunburn and a little more sensitive. This is an important step to insure the most beautiful results.

Though Alpha Hydroxy Products have been considered safe for most skin types, individuals with severely sensitive skin should consult a dermatologist before adding this product into their routine.

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