Thursday, May 15, 2008


Lots of makeup lines swear by their primers. They've got primer for the face, primer for the lip, primer for the eyes..... but what do they do??

Basically, this is going to help your product, (be it foundation, eyeshadow or lipstick) go on smoother, and last longer.

Some even have fillers like silicone to smooth out the texture of the skin and give you a nicer more even application.

Some to swear by

Prescriptives makes a product called Super Line Preventor. It's fantastic! Not only does smooth out the texture of the skin, and make your foundation last and last,- it goes one step further and actually treats the skin for lines and wrinkles and helps protect the skin from harsh internal and external stresses with its powerful antioxidants.


Urban Decay makes a product called Primer Potion. It's got a silicone slip to it so it glides on effortlessly, and leaves a soft CREASLESS finish to your eyeshadow application. I also love that it's virtually colorless and perfect for all skintones.


MAC makes a Prep and Prime product for the lip that is awesome!! It delivers a small amount of moisture to the lip area and helps to battle the feathering effect from your favorite red lipstick.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hot Summer Makeup Trends!!

Well, thanks to celebs like Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilara PALE SKIN is IN this summer!!!
(I guess we also have to credit the "going green" epedemic and the rising information about skin cancer too) :)

We're also going to be seeing rich reds and bright bold eyes---nice colors and textures! Thank goodness! Something different this summer!

You'll also be seeing glowing metallic skin- bronzes, golds, shimmer!

Healthy, glowing skin- smokey, pewter eyes, soft PINK lips.

This year they are marrying the trends of seasons past...

Clothing wise there are long flowing ankle length sun dresses, high waisted linen pants, BIG floral prints... COLOR COLOR COLOR.

It's all about making a statement, something should stand out...whether it be a strong print, a bold yellow bag, a red shoe, or a grey smokey eye.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stretch Mark Myths

Pregnancy, growth spurts and rapid weight gain can change your life and your body forever. A reminder of these experiences can appear as fine lines or scars on the skin where the collagen has been disrupted otherwise known as stretch marks. Stretch marks are small tears in the skin that form in the tissue that supports the skin and helps it stretch. Stretch marks represent the tearing or separation of collagen from the skin when tearing occurs. Stretch marks may show up as reddish or purplish lines that may appear indented and have a different texture from the surrounding skin. They are not harmful or painful and fortunately, stretch marks often turn lighter and almost disappear over time. Stretch marks can appear almost anywhere, but tend to pop up on the breasts, thighs, hips, and butt. There are so many common misconceptions out there about these lingering beasts that the stigma surrounding them is blown to outrageous proportions.
Common Myths about Stretch Marks
1. Only pregnant women get stretch marks-FALSE
More than half of women get them during the last trimester of pregnancy, but some women start to develop them as soon as their bellies start growing. It is not uncommon for women to get them during puberty and growth spurts as well.And while they're more common in women, men can get stretch marks, too. Men who do a lot of weight lifting and build muscle quickly are particularly susceptible to developing them. Men who gain weight quickly for other reasons are also at risk.
2. I can prevent them with creams and lotions-FALSE

There are a ton of lotions and creams on the market that promise to prevent and diminish the appearance and likelihood of stretch marks. However, whether or not you get them at all, or the number of stretch marks you end up with, depends on how elastic your skin is. The elasticity of your skin usually relates to your genetic make up. If you’re concerned about accruing stretch marks during pregnancy, take a look at your mother’s tummy. I if she’s got them, then guess what? You’re a prime candidate.

3. If my mom has them, I will definitely get them.-FALSE

The amount of weight you gain can also contribute to your likelihood of stretch marks. If your mom gained sixty pounds during pregnancy and has a lot of stretch marks, don’t use her as a basis of comparison if you only gained twenty five pounds. You can fight genetics by keeping hydrated.
4. Stretch marks go away once you lose the weight.-FALSE
Some stretch marks do fade away after you lose the weight you gained, but most have a tendency to hang around. Skin that has thinned and stretched to form stretch marks does not easily return to normal because the texture has been compromised.

5. There is NO WAY to prevent them-FALSE

Water tends to increase the skins elasticity by moisturizing it from the inside out; this may help decrease the amount of stretch marks your body is naturally prone to. Vitamin E is also a long time contributor to skin elasticity. Many lotions and creams on the market boast this skin saving ingredient and, though these may help reduce some stretch marks, there are no scientific studies to support this claim.

Keep in mind the more weight you gain during pregnancy the more likely you are to have stretch marks. Doctors recommend most women gain between 25 and 35 pounds. Gaining much more than this can cause you to develop more stretch marks.

Normally the skin is elastic and capable of stretching quite a bit however, for some women the changes that occur during pregnancy are very dramatic, and these rapid fluctuations of weight and skin stretching can result in stretch marks.
Women carrying multiples are more likely to get stretch marks because their bellies tend to grow much larger than women with single pregnancies. Other women likely to develop stretch marks include women who gain a lot of weight quickly during their pregnancy and women who carry big babies. 6. Only plastic surgery can treat stretch marks.-FALSE
There are many ways to treat stretch marks besides plastic surgery. Topical creams, Chemical peels, and laser therapy are just a few of your options. Many topical lotions and cream products work to firm and tighten the skin. This tightening may lessen the appearance of existing stretch marks by minimizing discoloration and depth. Topicals like Retin-A, hydroxyl creams, and products like StriVectin-SD tighten skin and temporarily reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels both can be used to minimally improve the appearance of scars, reduce discoloration, and smooth uneven skin surfaces.
Lasers have recently gained popularity to reduce the color and depth of stretch marks. During Laser Scar Reduction, the light from a laser is used to actually cut away the compromised collagen.
You can also opt for a non invasive and simple solution. Some people find that sunless tanning treatments can help successfully hide stretch marks. This may not work for regular tanning or tanning beds, though, because stretch marks themselves are less likely to tan. You also can buy body makeup matched to the tone of your skin that can make stretch marks almost invisible. A popular brand to try is Dermablend.

Stretch marks are a part of life for many people and though they can be a nuisance, they are completely cosmetic and not harmful at all.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Alpha Hydroxy: Unveil a New You!

Alpha Hydroxy: Unveil a New You!

Alpha Hydroxy (AHA) is a common ingredient in many skin care regimes not only for the face, but also for the body. It can be found as a main ingredient in many creams and lotions for the face and body, as well as more potent doses in creams for the elbows and feet. What is this mystery ingredient? And do I need it?

Alpha Hydroxy is and acid that has been used for thousands of years for skin rejuvenation. This active ingredient can aid in a variety of purposes: to smooth fine lines and surface wrinkles, to improve skin texture and tone, to unblock and cleanse pores, to improve oily skin or acne, and to improve skin condition in general. These amazing claims can seem unsettling or too good to be true, but AHA is a perfectly safe skincare miracle.

How Does AHA Work?

Alpha Hydroxy Acid works by gently lifting the first layer of skin. This is why it works for so many different skin care issues. Consistent use of an AHA product is beneficial. Combining the use of an AHA product with a good exfoliation about two to three times a week will help turn over newer, younger skin faster.

Exfoliation is such an important part of your cleansing routine, and there are so many benefits that accompany it. First, you’re sloughing off the dead skin on your face. That dead skin is what’s holding in those black heads, or causing that scaly, tired appearance to your face. Dead skin is dull looking. If your skin doesn’t have the radiance it once had, chances are, its time to exfoliate. Regular exfoliation has also been known to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. All those fine lines are, is skin building up over a period of time, making your skin look aged. If you clean that skin off repeatedly, and reveal the fresh skin underneath, it cuts down on the drab appearance of wrinkles significantly.

AHA will gently lift the dead skin so that when you follow with an exfoliation product, you will effectively remove more of the tired skin. Oilier skin can also benefit because their skin stays moist all the time. Since the skin is oily it is unable to exfoliate itself as easily leading to clogged pores and unsightly black heads. With the help of an alpha hydroxy lotion, these issues will be tremendously minimalized. It is safe to use a moisturizer with Alpha Hydroxy in it on a regular basis, however, keep the product away from the eye area, as most face lotions with this active ingredient have too high a volume for this sensitive area.
Because Alpha Hydroxy Acid is so active in changing the texture of the skin and polishing it, it is imperative that you add a strong SPF/ sunscreen into your routine as well. Massive exfoliation of the skin can make it more susceptible to sunburn and a little more sensitive. This is an important step to insure the most beautiful results.

Though Alpha Hydroxy Products have been considered safe for most skin types, individuals with severely sensitive skin should consult a dermatologist before adding this product into their routine.

Friday, March 28, 2008

At Home Microdermabrasion

Good News For Skin On A Budget: At Home Microdermabrasion

We live in a fast paced society, and you can see it on our faces. Literally. Our skin is suffering from our lack of time. Not all of us have the time for a day at the spa, not to mention the money for it. A great do it yourself method to attain beautiful skin, is through an at home microdermabrasion kit. This will save you time and money by allowing you the flexibility to give yourself a luxurious facial in the comfort of your own home.
A routine of simply cleansing and moisturizing our faces at morning and a night isn’t enough. Exfoliation is a vital part of your cleansing routine, especially in the summer time when sweat and excess oils cause the skin to build up on your face. The oils and humidity in your environment makes the skin stay damp on your face, and keeps it from sloughing off naturally. The skin on your body naturally exfoliates itself by having your clothes rub against it all day, but your skin, is constantly moisturized, smothered in makeup, and completely mistreated. In order to boost the appearance of dull, stressed skin the extra step of exfoliation is a must, and you can get it from a self microdermabrasion system. Incorporate it into your routine, once a week for drier skin types, and more frequent for oilier skin.

Microdermabrasion is a great tool to keep your skin at its utmost vibrancy and clarity. It helps to rid your pores of nasty build up, as well as decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Using microdermabrasion regularly can aid you in turning over newer, younger looking skin faster.

Personal Results from Microdermabrasion

If you want to know what to expect, first consider your skin type. The first piece of knowledge that you should take into account is this; if you have very sensitive skin, red, or rash like, etc, consult your dermatologist before trying any at home microdermabrasion kits. Other than that, microdermabrasion is for everyone, all skin types.

On oilier skin, the excess oil keeps your skin cells from turning over, or sloughing off. If you have large pores, blackheads, or whiteheads you will notice and overall more refined texture to the skin. It will decrease some of the blackheads that stretch out your pores, leaving you with smaller pores throughout. Now, it’s going to take more than one treatment to see optimum results, but you’ll definitely notice the difference in the feel of your skin after just one treatment.

Dry skin can be flaky, and show wrinkles and fine lines a lot faster. One of the first things that may lead you to want to try microdermabrasion is the fact that your skin has an overall dull look to it. So the before and after effects of microdermabrasion for this particular skin type is going be brighter, more youthful looking skin immediately, this is because it will slough off the dead skin that is hiding the pretty, nice skin. Then over time, with the use of microdermabrasion you will notice a decline in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Another nice microdermabrasion bonus that you may notice is that your skin will feel softer and more supple, something that dry skin usually misses out on.

What To Look For In Your Microdermabrasion Kit

There are so many kits out on the market today each one promising to be better than the one before it. When searching for the perfect results with your microdermabrasion kit, search for active ingredients, easy to use methods, and the most effective beads.

Most kits come with at least an exfoliating product and some type of cream protectant. These are your key features. Microdermabrasion is not your ordinary exfoliation, the crystals exfoliate deeper into skin, and help to pull away impurities. The active ingredient to look for is Aluminum Oxide Crystals. These are the same crystals that can be found at your local salon. When doing a comparison, some kits offer more premium quality or spa grade crystals while others are diluted with regular exfoliation beads. You’ll also want to make sure that the beads are small and round, this will help insure that it whisks away imperfect without stripping the skin. A great way to check for this is to read online reviews or buy from a department store where you can have an associate demonstrate the product.

The skin protectant should replenish the skin, it should help rebuild the skins defenses and help add back some of the nutrients that a deep exfoliation can remove. Look for one with an SPF since you will need to take extra precaution when unveiling your new skin.

Your kit should last you several treatments, and should be used about once a week. Some kits come with buffing brushes or cooling mists or green tea calming serums, these things are great, but unnecessary. Look for quality when picking out a microdermabrasion kit, not quantity.

Revolutionary microdermabrasion kits allow you the flexibility to take care of your skin in the privacy of your own home, with results very similar to that of a salon. Try one today and feel the difference!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

But Why do I NEED a moisturizer?

But Why do I NEED a moisturizer?

It’s easy to see that moisturizer feels good on the skin. After a thorough cleansing and/or exfoliation, moisturizer relieves that tight faced feeling. But why do you NEED a moisturizer, is this comfort measure really necessary? The answer is; absolutely.

All skin types and all age groups need moisturizer. This is not confined primarily to the aging or drier skins. Oilier skin types stand to benefit from a moisturizer as well.

The Science Behind Moisturizer

Your face is made up of many layers and cells. One important component is the sebaceous glands. These are your oil producers. A drier persons sebaceous glands doesn’t produce enough oil to keep the skin conditioned and comfortable. In this case, placing a synthetic oil onto the skin, IE a moisturizer will help soften the skin and Ph balance the area in order to allow it to peak at its utmost performance.

It’s a bit trickier to explain to someone with oily skin why they need to moisturize their skin daily. You see, they have an overactive sebaceous gland. So you would immediately think, why on Earth would I want to add more oil to an all ready oily surface? Well, the answer is simple. It confuses your glands. Much like a vaccine will trick your body into building up defenses from a particular illness, a moisturizer will trick the skin. The sebaceous glands will continue to produce until they feel that the skin is adequately protected. A moisturizer places a synthetic barrier there that tricks the glands into thinking they have a sufficient amount of oil so they will cease to produce. Over time, you will pleasantly note that because of this process, your sebaceous glands will usually stop over producing oil, or at least decrease the sebum production to an extent.

So that leaves the combination skin types. You’d think that they’re in the perfect group, with just enough oil to go around. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Combination skins have the tendency to over produce in some areas and under produce in others. A Moisturizer is a vital part of the skin care routine for these people as well.

Choosing The Best Moisturizer For Your Skin Type

Now that you’ve realized the importance of this skin care step, finding the one that is perfect for your face and individual needs is crucial. First you need to understand your skin type. Are you oily less that a few hours after you wash your face (oily)? Does your skin feel tight most of the time (dry)? Are you oily in some areas and comfortable in others (Combination)?

Address your immediate needs first. Comfort. If you’re shiny most of the time, make sure to get an oil free moisturizer. But do you need an oil controlling one? Sometimes these can be too drying for skin and are best for extremely oily skin. If you’re Dry, make sure to get one with a richer, creamy texture to nourish the skin.

A daily moisturizer will help maintain balance in the skin and in turn help you put your best face forward every morning.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Which Foundation Should I Use?

This is the mother of all questions. Which foundation should YOU use? Well. You can hate me for this answer later, but it's all a matter of personal preference. But here's a little background info to find out which foundation would best suit you.

First you need to find out your skin type. When you get out of the shower does your face feel tight? Then you probably have a drier skin type. Is your makeup having a hard time staying put by midday? Then you’re most likely oilier. In between? Just shiny in the T-zone? Then you’re combination. It’s important to know your skin so you can pick the right foundation.

A drier skin type needs a little more moisture throughout the day. A nice cream or liquid foundation is perfect for you because it glides onto the skin effortlessly and won’t look caked if you have dry patches. Look for a liquid with a dewy finish or one that has mica in it. This will make your skin look revitalized and not dry and tight. You may want to avoid a powder foundation or a matte finish unless you slather on the moisturizer first, otherwise you may end up looking drier, not to mention that it may accentuate any fine lines or wrinkles.

As for combination skin, lucky you! You can wear anything! A nice tinted moisturizer is nice for combination skin because it’s light and it combines the two steps of moisturizing and foundation into one quick, easy application. This will give you a very light coverage, and will just basically even out the skin tone.

Onto the Oily skin. Most of us Houstonians fall into this category especially during the summer. The high levels of humidity leave our skin damp and grimy feeling anyway, so it’s more likely that even if we aren’t oily at other times of the year, the summer heat will make you feel and look oily. A nice foundation for oily skin is a matte powder. A powder foundation is a thicker powder specifically formulated to give more coverage than a regular pressed powder, usually the powder is triple-milled so it’s a lot finer than others. This will give a medium to full coverage if you use a puff or sponge, or use a brush a get a sheer coverage. This is great because it will lessen the appearance of the oil. If you decide on this foundation be careful not to use it as a touch up throughout the day, because it gives such a great coverage, too much is a bad thing. It’s best to get a lighter powder to dust on to avoid a “too made up” look.

Some great alternatives for all skin types are mousse foundation, and airbrush foundation or a mineral foundation. Mousse foundation is a light frothy mixture that glides onto the skin leaving an even tone. Some have a silicone base in it to help with texture issues like acne scars. An airbrush foundation leaves an even lighter finish on the skin. It smoothes out the surface of the skin with a light, almost effortless application. A great idea for summer is to try one of the new mineral foundations that are out on the market. This will give you variable coverage and a nice clean feeling to the skin. It’s made up of fine minerals, so it’s not actually a powder, it just looks like one in the container. It doesn’t leave a heavy powdery finish to the skin and it boasts that it’s so good for your skin that you could actually sleep in it.
Now, this isn’t an end all for foundation advice, these are just few alternatives to show some skin this season! Just make sure that which ever foundation you end up with has an SPF in it and that you begin with a moisturizer that is right for your skin type. A flawless finish always begins with the right foundation.