Wednesday, March 26, 2008

But Why do I NEED a moisturizer?

But Why do I NEED a moisturizer?

It’s easy to see that moisturizer feels good on the skin. After a thorough cleansing and/or exfoliation, moisturizer relieves that tight faced feeling. But why do you NEED a moisturizer, is this comfort measure really necessary? The answer is; absolutely.

All skin types and all age groups need moisturizer. This is not confined primarily to the aging or drier skins. Oilier skin types stand to benefit from a moisturizer as well.

The Science Behind Moisturizer

Your face is made up of many layers and cells. One important component is the sebaceous glands. These are your oil producers. A drier persons sebaceous glands doesn’t produce enough oil to keep the skin conditioned and comfortable. In this case, placing a synthetic oil onto the skin, IE a moisturizer will help soften the skin and Ph balance the area in order to allow it to peak at its utmost performance.

It’s a bit trickier to explain to someone with oily skin why they need to moisturize their skin daily. You see, they have an overactive sebaceous gland. So you would immediately think, why on Earth would I want to add more oil to an all ready oily surface? Well, the answer is simple. It confuses your glands. Much like a vaccine will trick your body into building up defenses from a particular illness, a moisturizer will trick the skin. The sebaceous glands will continue to produce until they feel that the skin is adequately protected. A moisturizer places a synthetic barrier there that tricks the glands into thinking they have a sufficient amount of oil so they will cease to produce. Over time, you will pleasantly note that because of this process, your sebaceous glands will usually stop over producing oil, or at least decrease the sebum production to an extent.

So that leaves the combination skin types. You’d think that they’re in the perfect group, with just enough oil to go around. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Combination skins have the tendency to over produce in some areas and under produce in others. A Moisturizer is a vital part of the skin care routine for these people as well.

Choosing The Best Moisturizer For Your Skin Type

Now that you’ve realized the importance of this skin care step, finding the one that is perfect for your face and individual needs is crucial. First you need to understand your skin type. Are you oily less that a few hours after you wash your face (oily)? Does your skin feel tight most of the time (dry)? Are you oily in some areas and comfortable in others (Combination)?

Address your immediate needs first. Comfort. If you’re shiny most of the time, make sure to get an oil free moisturizer. But do you need an oil controlling one? Sometimes these can be too drying for skin and are best for extremely oily skin. If you’re Dry, make sure to get one with a richer, creamy texture to nourish the skin.

A daily moisturizer will help maintain balance in the skin and in turn help you put your best face forward every morning.

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